National Dengue Day

Caripill tablet increases the platelet count in patients suffering from dengue. Caripill tablet has been approved by the scientific and regulatory authority.

Caripill Tablet
Caripill Syrup

Caripill Syrup increases the platelet count in patients suffering from dengue. Caripill tablet has been approved by the scientific and regulatory authority.

Why Caripill

Increases the platelet count

An appropriately formulated cure for adults and children suffering from dengue

caripill tablets

Available in tablet form for adults and syrup form for children

No side effects and great palatability

Well tolerated and great palatability

Cost-effective and affordable

Cost-effective and affordable

Reduces trauma, high cost of hospitalisation and platelet transfusion.

Reduces trauma, high cost of hospitalisation and platelet transfusion.

Safety & Contraindications :

Consult your doctor before taking Caripill. Avoid Caripill if you are allergic to papaya or prodcuts containing papaya extracts

In males with prostate dysfunction, such as BPH or prostate cancer, Caripill should be avoided as it increases the iron absorption. Excess iron may increase oxidative stress, especially in the aging male. Iron overload may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.


Use should be avoided as preclinical studied in rats have demonstrated deleterious effects.

Caripill should be taken after consulting your doctor.

Awards & Recognitions
